Nordesfer – Armazéns de Ferro, S.A. was founded in 1978 in the form of a limited liability company, as a result of a business project of the Lord Commander Antonio Bernardino Cepeda Alves.
The objective of the company, which still remains today, is the wholesale and retail marketing of steel products. In particular poles for concrete, commercial bars, profiles, plates, sheets, tubes, electro-welded meshes, nets for various applications, etc..
The business had its beginnings in Mogadouro, installed in an area of 10,000m2.
The outlined strategy of quality of service provided to customers and taking advantage of the expansion of the economy situation, it was decided to open branches.
As a corollary of the policy we now have two points of sale with the following locations and installation areas: 10000m2 in Maia and 6000m2 in Vila Real.